Wednesday 7 May 2008

Live poker is rigged!!!

So the last time me and Wota tried to go play at Dusk Till Dawn. My sat nav packed and my clutch went. We had to wait 3 hours for the AA tow truck and ended up playing online at Dave's house. Then I was stuck in Luton for almost a week and my boss got pissed off at me because my car was in the garage. When I returned I was £650 lighter for the pleasesure. A blow that was softened with one night of live poker down the Vic (Victoria Grovsner London on Edgeware road), where I managed to come away £100 up. Bad beat live poker number one I guess we call this.

Fast forward to last night. My car is going into the garage this week so I opt for the safer train option. Wota meets me at the train station in Nottingham. We get directions off a taxi driver to the illustrious DTD. We actually find it no issues. Everything seems to be going good. Although the gates look half shut and their is a sign on the gate "Dusk Till Dawn is closed tonight, re opens again normally Wednesday", RIGGED!!!

So we drive back to Luton, arriving at 10.30pm. We hit the G casino. Grab some food and sit in a £50-£250 game. It looks pretty juicy but we get split onto a larger table leaving the fishy table behind. Its an hour of complete bordom where I think 2 pots get raised and the action is so slow. So we leave and come back for some online play. I'm still down on the day with my 5 buy in $50NL spew earlier. I loose another 2 buy ins HU and loose faith in HU poker. I open up 5 tables of 5 max and vow to grind it up. I grind for a good 4 hours and manage to break even for the day overall, which is pretty good considering.

I guess my lesson of the day is. If I can make it to 2am playing my A game and not tilting then I have much more chances of making money off the uber donks. I sat with one donk playing around a 92/16/1 with 5 buy ins at the table. I ended up leaving with 4 buy ins and so diod another good player, the donk actually had to reload twice. I'll post some hands below. It was value town on any pair or any made hand. :)

5 max stats (better!)

Hands : -

So this first hand is pretty standard. My whole aim in the hand is to get all his chips in the pot. My bet sizing on every street is designed to get him all in on the river comfortably.

So this next hand is pretty interesting. Both guys in the hand with me are loose passive calling stations. I figure that my hand is good quite a lot of the time on the flop. I figure that either or both will chase with almost any raw diamond and considering how bad they both are pretty much any pair or draw. I guess for me when I have the money in on the flop and get 2 calls the pot is big enough for me. The check behind on the turn is for pot control and for information to see what they do on the river. The river is obviously a brick unless he called me with 86o, which is very possible with this donk. He makes a pretty good block bet on the river which I can't raise, although i'm not sure that is his intention, I think he's just value betting his straight weakly.

This next hand is a pretty standard agressive way to play a Flush Draw in a raised pot when you have the initiative. You can usually take the pot down on the turn quite a lot with the semi-bluff and you generally get to draw to your hand at the price you want. Also if you hit your hand it is adequately disguised. Good players may be able to put you on it but your average/donk players this is a great way top play. Obviously this gut thinks his T high flush is the nuts on the river and I know my second nuts is the nuts pretty much most of the time and would be stupid not to push the river. If he has the A high flush it's a cooler and you move on. By just calling his bet we are loosing value when we are ahead of the majority of his range and protecting ourselves from the very small chance he has us beat. So the protective call is -ev in the long run.

GG, GG! We are giving the live poker another shot tonight. Down the Vic i think. Lets hope we have some better luck this time.

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