Saturday 31 May 2008

May review

Ok this might be a long post. :)

Gonna review this month, the good, the bad and the silly.

So all in all its been a good month. I've killed $100NL full stacked. I've been owned at $50NL full stacked and I took a shot at $200NL today and ran so bad I wanted to die (i'll post some hands later so you can see how bad I ran).

So here are my month stats. A nice + $2000 ish and I cleared a $1000 + in bonus. So not too shabby.

I manged to loose $871 today over 1100ish hands at $200NL. I was half stacking and too a shot with 25 buy ins for the level. Somehow I managed to still be + $350 today. Maybe cos I ran like a god at $100NL and managed to win $1021 and I cleared $200 in bonus. Its all a bit of a blur now as i'm sat here eyes nearlly bleeding on the back of a 12 hour session, played 4650 hands. But I love it. :)

Here are some hands from the dreaded $200NL.

This first guy was a total donk. I 3 bet him once already this orbit and he clearly didn't like it and shoved on me with 55 and made a back door flush. I owned him, the board owned me. GG me.

Here I get owned badly by slow played aces. My hand is virtually the nuts 50BB stacks and I feel I have him, then he turns over AA. Doh. I'm always going broke here 50BB deep.

On further review I guess I played pretty badly. Must have been playing bad cos I was scared money. Guess i'm not ready for $200NL just yet. :)

I also made a nice graph of this month.

My fav hands from $100NL today.

These are 2 hands that happened 1 after the other. I played 3 hands at the table in total and left with 3 half buy ins. :)

I think I tilted this guy.

I nicely slow play the nuts house on this flop and get him to pay it off with A high.

Then the very next hand I get dealt QQ. i decide to jump on him as I feel he's tilted. I get him to put hims money in with mid pair a a gutshot. GG, owned.

Here the guy is a total donk. With the rivered A he thinks its less likely I have an ace and thinks his 8 is gd. As you can probably tell this guy was a total donk. I fast play the TP and get maximum value.

This next hand shows that sometimes history matters. We had been having a bit of a battle and I played this as if I was playing a scared AK. This guy is not a bad player. He thinks very deeply about the game as I do. I represented that I had the AK and I was trying to drive him off it. He hits a 4 and thinks he has the nuts and enough to make me fold. Surprise, I don't have AK I have trip Ts, GG.

Here I flop 2 pair with a mediocre blind hand, I fast play it and turn a house. I put my opponent on a rivered flush and take him to value town. I can't remember what he had now, but I think it was either a flush or maybe a very silly played 99. :)

Here is a lesson in why you don't slow play your overpairs. Because donks like me take you to value town with 2 pair. GG

Here a donk mini raises his AA instead of pumping it like a champ. I take the cheap flop and get my money in as a 55% fav with my monstor draw vs the overpair.

On thw final hand of the day a big stack raises his AK small, I take a cheap flop. Suck him in with his A high and take him to value town when he hits is A on the turn and gets his money in drawing dead. I love donks. :)

Some pwnage there for viewing pleasure. Here's to a better month next month. I may also finally crack into that $200Nl properly and not play like a donk.

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